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The Calm of the "StuPa Storm": A cold breath enters the room

Catcher on the Rhein

Updated: Aug 11, 2023


The Storm surrounding the StuPa controversy seems to have calmed down, or at least so it currently seems. Since the release of the statement by StuPa, we have not heard again from Asta and StuPa. And the storm seems to have calmed enough for the sun to break through the clouds again after weeks of thunderstorm, there still are various questions which were not answered in the statement.

Now we are obviously wondering, is this just the calm of the storm, with a resurgence waiting to happen, or is the storm finally over and we are all able to enjoy our well earned semester break?

But before we lean back and enjoy the sun, someone else is entering the room, Ahmad Kamal, some of you might know him, used to work for Asta’s finance department, until this year's chilly February. But what could be the reason for February's cold air to resurge in the summer? Well, according to Ahmad he was let go from his paid position at Asta without notice, and left without his last paycheck.

But let me start at the beginning. After we first started publishing the news of the “StuPa Storm”, to make more students aware of the issue, Ahmad headed straight into our DMs, asking us for a meeting to discuss his. He asked to be heard and according to Ahmad for other students at HSRW to know that they should come forward and voice when they have been treated unrighteous.

COTR decided to report on his experience and publishing try to give the issue awareness. But what has even happened? Well let’s follow the origin of the cold and chilly breath of air back to February 2023. Ahmad was on vacation in Pakistan, enjoying some time of work, before the stress of Uni and finances would come again. When he wanted to get back to work, he no longer had access to the bank account or his official Asta Email. But how could that be?

Well, as you might have read in the statement of StuPa, Asta's Chair Ludger Oelck was previously involved in controversy, as he had given access to Asta Mail accounts, to candidates, who were later elected into their positions, before anything was official. Ahmad now told us that he was one of the victims who were affected by this misconduct, and even though there has been an official apology, his case was never closed.

After allegedly losing his position without notice, and without his last paycheck, Ahmad went to StuPa, asking for help. After a couple of closed meetings with StuPa, allegations were made about Asta's interference. His point was finally put on the official agenda, with the name “ASta Heads Salary Dispute”. It seemingly to be discussed and for Ahmad to be repaid his last missing paycheck, unfortunately, Ahmad's case was continually delayed in the StuPa meetings.

Screenshot of the StuPa Agenda for July; Topic 7 is according to Ahmad concerning his issue

Note, aim to highlight ongoing issues without rekindling past conflicts. Our objective is to bring light to ongoing issues to stimulate constructive dialogue and resolution. And now as the Storm seems to have passed, it is time for all the old cases to finally be discussed and resolved.

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